Taika Waititi er gået hen og blevet en af Hollywoods mest eftertragtede instruktører. Han har bl.a. instrueret ‘Thor Ragnarok’ og ‘Hunt For The Wilderpeople’.
En live-action film af Katsuhiro Otomos ‘Akira’ har været i udviklingshelvede i årtier og det så ud som om projektet faktisk var ved at blive til noget, da Taika Waititi blev tilknyttet projektet. Warner Bros. planlagde endda at udgive filmen den 21. maj 2021. Dog kom den kommende Marvel Cinematic Universe film ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ i vejen og ‘Akira’ må endnu engang udsættes. I et interview med mediet IGN, gav Taika en opdatering på ‘Akira’:
“Unfortunately, the timing with Akira, because we’ve been working really hard on the script, we had to keep pushing the start date for the shoot. We ended up having to push it a couple weeks too far, which actually ate into the Thor schedule, because they were very close together. And that got pushed again and again, and it just got too far into the Thor schedule to be able to make it work. And my first commitment was to Marvel to make that film, so now I’ve kind of had to take Akira and sort of shift it around to the tail-end of Thor and move it down a couple of years.”
‘Akira’ fans må vente nogle år endnu og forhåbentlig får vi en live-action ‘Akira’ at se. Vi holder dig opdateret.
kilde: ign.com