Ny trailer til ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

Den nye trailer til ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ er landet, og jeg klapper stadig i mine små hænder! Umiddelbart har James Gunns ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ samme lethed og humor, som Josh Whedons ‘The Avengers. Den nye trailer byder også på Ronan the Accuser, Groot der taler, Nova Prime aka Glenn Close og andre nye billeder af vogterne.

Traileren starter ud med Peter Quill foran en stor bygning, hvor han efter sigende er på jagt efter en infinity stone.
Guardians of the Galaxy 1Her kommer han face to face med Korath og hans følgesvende.
Guardians of the galaxy Korath et al

Guardians of the Galaxy starlord“I come from earth, a planet of outlaws. My name is Peter Quill. There is one other name you might know me by: Starlord”

Guardians of the galaxy KorathBadass-attituden falder lidt til jorden, når Korath har et blankt fjæs og bare spørger: “Who?”

Guardians of the Galaxy Forget it“Starlord, man! Legendary outlaw? Guys? Forget it.”

starlord guardians of the galaxyMed et tryk på knappen er han i fuldt Starlord udstyr, og han flygter over stok og sten fra Korath.

Aaaaaand we’re off med Marvel intro og “Spirit in the sky” underlægningsmusik…

Guardians of the galaxy spaceshipooooog spaceship! Nu er det tid til at møde holdet!

Guardians of the Galaxy so here we are“So here we are…”

Guardians of the Galaxy a thief“…a thief…”

Guardians of the Galaxy thug 1Guardians of the Galaxy thug 2“….two thugs….”

Guardians of the galaxy an assasin“….an assasin…”

Guardians of the Galaxy a maniac“…and a maniac.”

Guardians of the Galaxy ronanGuardians of the Galaxy evil“But we’re not gonna stand by as evil wipes out the galaxy.” Og velkommen til Ronan the Accuser.

Guardians of the Galaxy stuck together“I guess we’re stuck together. Partners” De ser ovenud lykkelige ud!

Guardians of the Galaxy augustGuardians of the Galaxy destructionGuardians of the Galaxy glenn close“Are you telling me the fate of 12 billion people is in the hands of these criminals?” Nova Prime Rael er ikke imponeret.

Guardians of the Galaxy ronan og nebulaRonan og Nebula!

Guardians of the Galaxy teamGuardians of the Galaxy oh yeah“Oh yeah”

Guardians of the Galaxy all heroesGuardians of the Galaxy yellowFængselsgult klæder alle….

Guardians of the Galaxy knowhereGuardians of the Galaxy wow“Wow”

Guardians of the Galaxy somewhereGuardians of the Galaxy ronan2Guardians of the Galaxy maniac 2Guardians of the Galaxy spaceshipsGuardians of the Galaxy losers“I look around and you know what I see? Losers! But life is giving us a chance” Ja, Starlord skal vist arbejde lidt på hans peptalk.

Guardians of the Galaxy losers 2“To do what?”

Guardians of the Galaxy something good“Something good….”

Guardians of the Galaxy badGuardians of the Galaxy bad 2“…something bad…”

Guardians of the Galaxy both“…bit of both”

Guardians of the Galaxy hell“Oh what the hell, I don’t got that long a life span anyway” Game on!

Guardians of the Galaxy nebulaNebula!! og Gamora

Guardians of the Galaxy starlord1Guardians of the Galaxy rocketGuardians of the Galaxy 2Guardians of the Galaxy 3 the collectorThe Collector! Man kan næsten forestille ham synge: “All by myself…”

Guardians of the Galaxy kissGuardians of the Galaxy 4Guardians of the Galaxy 5Guardians of the Galaxy GamoraGuardians of the Galaxy mixed tapePeter Quills højtelskede mixed tape med “Hooked on a feeling”

Chris PrattChris Pratt

Zoe SaldanaZoe Saldana 2

Dave BautistaDave Bautista 2

Vin DieselVin Diesel 2“I am Groot”

Bradley CooperBradley Cooper 2 copy“Aint no thing like me, except me”

John C Reilly“They call themselves the guardians of the galaxy. This might not be the best idea”

Guardians of the Galaxy 2014Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 2

 Guardians of the Galaxy yeah “Yeah!”